Join your class action litigation colleagues -- including plaintiffs' lawyers, defense counsel, economic advisors and experts, litigation financiers, claims administrators, members of the judiciary, academics, government attorneys, Fortune 500 corporate counsel, insurers and their professionals, and key media contacts -- for this one-day conference in Midtown Manhattan to explore these economic and ethical topics in class action litigation, and to provide valuable networking opportunities among top-tier professionals.
The panel on labor & employment class actions will focus specifically on the issue of independent contractor versus employee status. The importance of this issue cannot be overstated in the modern gig economy because an increasingly large proportion of people who perform “labor services” in (and outside of) the United States do so as independent contractors rather than employees. The extent of control exercised by a company over its independent contractors is at the core of many disputes and it likely to be a continuing challenge in a world with new and varied work relationships. This panel will discuss the economic, technological, social and legal aspects of this issue and highlight important recent class actions in this area.