Settled and Closed – Kissinger v. Footlocker Retail, Inc.

Plaintiff alleged Footlocker failed to provide rest and meal periods in conformance with California law. The parties in another case against Footlocker reached a settlement that encompassed these claims. We represented Plaintiff Echeverria and other objectors who objected to the settlement reached. The court of appeal agreed and reversed the judgment of the trial court granting final approval of the settlement. You may find the court of appeal decision at Kullar v. Foot Locker Retail, 168 Cal. App. 4th 116 (2008). Footlocker and Kullar again sought approval of the original settlement. During the course of the proceedings, Footlocker sought to disqualify Qualls & Workman, LLP. The trial court denied the request. Footlocker filed an appeal of that ruling. The Court of Appeal rejected Footlocker's appeal. You may find the court of Appeal decision at Kullar v. Foot Locker Retail, Inc., 191 Cal. App. 4th 1201 (2011).

The parties have reached a settlement in this matter and were granted Preliminary Approval of the settlement on November 16, 2015. Class notice was mailed to class members on December 21, 2015. A copy of the Class Notice is available from the link below.

Final approval of the settlement was granted on March 24, 2016, funds were disbursed and the case is now closed.

2008 Court of Appeal Decision
2011 Court of Appeal Decision
Preliminary Approval Order
Class Notice
Final Approval Order